Courtesy of Dr. Lori Baker-Schena
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting
something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do
have.” – Frederick Keonig
Society sells the “holiday season” as one filled with never-ending family,
food and fun. But for most of us, the “holiday season” is synonymous with
stress. We are assaulted with messages that we must buy the perfect gift or
hold the perfect party or cook the perfect dinner. And this bombardment seems
to come earlier every year.
No WONDER we feel overwhelmed. Before you can finish saying “Happy Labor
Day,” fall descends with a thud – with Halloween and Thanksgiving basically
bypassed to make way for the Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday season.
It’s the perfect storm of stress. Expectations are high that we should have
a HAPPY Hanukkah or a MERRY Christmas, and thus we start adding projects and
responsibilities such as baking cookies, decorating the house/office, shopping
for gifts (and maybe going into debt), sending holiday cards or planning
parties to an already busy work/home life. No wonder it feels like our head is
about to explode.
And the price we pay for this stress is the risk of diluting the joy that
comes from celebrating the true meaning of the season, and derailing our
happiness and contentment because our expectations are too high. The
commercialism that accompanies this time of year threatens to suck us into an
emotional black hole – where no amount of Black Friday “sales” or store
“specials” can save us.
The stress of the season is literally robbing us of the joy that it promises
to bring. The solution? Instead of letting the stress control our lives
for the next six weeks, we need to control the stress. And here are five
helpful tips:
Get organized –
Holiday responsibilities (decorating, cooking, gift giving) are an ADDITION to
the responsibilities in our lives, not a replacement. We must work our jobs and
raise our families while preparing for the season. So get organized. Sit down
this week and create a calendar where you set aside time to get everything done
– from gift-buying to card addressing to cooking to wrapping to decorating. Put
it ALL down on a calendar.
Don’t put too much on your
plate – Be realistic about how much you want to accomplish and
don’t try to do too much. You won’t be any fun or any help to anyone if you are
too tired and even sick to enjoy the season.
Let go of the guilt –
If you can’t make a homemade pie, or don’t have the money to buy everyone
gifts, or run out of time to send holiday cards – DON’T FEEL GUILTY. The goal
here is to enjoy the season, not run some kind of race. If you buy a store-made
pie, or send out an email greeting this year, it certainly isn’t the end of the
Continue your healthy habits –
Don’t let the stress of the season interfere with your exercise routine or
seduce you into eating or drinking more than you really need. Take care of
YOURSELF this holiday season.
Be present in the moment –
Above all, remember what the season is all about – peace on earth, goodwill to
men (and women) and miracles. This is the time to make memories with the
people we love, to bask in the knowledge that we are alive, to be grateful for
everything we have, to acknowledge and reach out to those who are less
fortunate, and to remember the “reason for the season.”
And to CELEBRATE that we made it through another year.
Don’t let stress dilute your joy or derail your peace.
Dr. Lori Baker-Schena is
the founder and chief executive officer of Baker Schena Communications, a firm
dedicated to “Unleashing Your Potential Through the Power of Words.” We offer
motivational speaking, leadership consulting and medical writing services. Find
us at